The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside.

-Allan Bloom

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Childcare and Hatred: Harper Family Values

According to yesterday's Globe and Mail, the Harper Conservatives are recruiting the help of several socially conservative lobby groups in order to promote its childcare plan of offering $1200 per year to parents instead of any form of subsidized daycare.

I would assume that the groups being recruited to spread the message would share some of the same values as the current government, so from the few groups listed in the Globe and Mail article, I decided to check out the websites of a couple of the groups.

In a link directly off the main page of the Canada Family Action Coalition, one of the to-be-enlisted lobby groups, is a document entitled "Stop homosexual presentations in your child's school,":

How Parents May Stop Homosexual Presentations Made to their
Children in School

Write a letter to your child's principal and teacher politely
expressing your concerns about the promotion of homosexuality in your child's
Be aware that such topics as family diversity or anti-bullying are
used as a cover to promote the homosexual agenda.

It's important to state in your letter that you object to your child being
involved in any presentation which portrays homosexuality as a normal, equal
lifestyle choice. Because many school boards have a so-called "equity" policy on
homosexuality, it will always be portrayed sympathetically.

Request that you be notified of any presentation by school
staff or outside presenters which includes or is likely to include a homosexual

Specifically request in your letter that
you be advised well in advance of any outside presentation because the school
may subsequently argue that presenters are from outside the school and "we
weren't aware that they were going to include a homosexual element in their
presentation." This is unlikely. School personnel are usually well aware when a
presentation is going to include homosexuality. If they don't know, then it is
their responsibility to ask in advance and then inform you.

Request in your letter that the teacher and principal
inform any other teachers who work with your child, of your request about the
homosexual issue. Ensure that your child communicate with you any breaches of
this request.

Request the teacher keep your letter on
file in the classroom and request that the principal place one in the official
Student Record file in the office.
Follow up your letter with a
phone call, email, or, better yet, a personal interview with the teacher and
principal. This makes it more difficult for the teacher and principal to argue
that they "forgot" to follow your instructions. When you visit the school, ask
to see your child's Student Record and check to be sure your letter is on file,
as requested.

That this group is aligned with the social values of the Conservative Party and that they would be elicited to promote a social program on behalf of the government speaks volumes about Stephen Harper's toleration of hatred.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
Whew!.....I read most of your writings and other the the discomfort of my ignorance blanket being pulled away...I am impressed .
My optimistic nature wants to balance the scale with something "good" about our country's leader but by the looks the debate would be a difficult one.
Your research is interesting and if I can be objective...I will tune in again to see what you have to say.
Best regards, Mom

10:04 AM  

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